Try A Little Kindness
Acts 10:1-8
4 Cornelius stared at him in fear. "What is it, Lord?" he asked.
The angel answered, "Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.
Bee's Thoughts:
What is love? We can do something or give to someone without loving, but we can't love without giving. So is kindness alone love? May not be. Kindness is only one of the components of love, just like patience.
In true love we not only give in material things but also in the intangible things, such as those mentioned in 1 Corinthains 13. When we say we love someone, the test will always come to see if we really love. Once the romantic feeling for someone is gone, can we still say that we love someone?
I have lost faith in the human love and found it back, and lost it again. :(
I have learned that I should love someone in God's way, but never expect to be loved in return.
I believe in the sun
even when it isn't shining.
I believe in love
even when I am alone.
I believe in God
even when he is silent.
- author unknown
Dear God, I may not have found true love for myself but I still want to believe that there is true love for others. For when two people are loving each other in Christ, true love abounds.
.......the devotion of Bee
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