The Pain Machine
Acts 24:16
Ephesians 4:31-32
Reflection of Bee:
How can one forgive, be kind, and compassionate when one has been hurt over and over again by the same person? How can one not feel angry or bitter in such situation? Yet the above passage is asking us to do what seems impossible.
Yes, it is really impossible if we do it in our strength. The above passage says we can do it because God has first forgiven us (though we have hurt Him over and over again too). Because of Christ, we can forgive, we can do the impossible just like what the poem, Forgiveness, by Brenda Terrell says.
I do feel hurt and very sad each time I think of the past and present hurts. Yet when I think of Jesus, forgiveness is the word that rings in my heart. Forgive just as I have been forgiven. I can't forgive in my own strength, I have to rely on God's strength to do it.
Dear Lord,
Thank You for forgiving me. Thank You for giving me strength to forgive too. Teach me to release all past and future hurts to You. Teach me to forgive and bless those who have hurt me, betrayed me, and made me miserable.
I raise my hands now to give You all of them. Please take over and do what is necessary that Your name may be praised.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
16 So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.
Ephesians 4:31-3231 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Reflection of Bee:
How can one forgive, be kind, and compassionate when one has been hurt over and over again by the same person? How can one not feel angry or bitter in such situation? Yet the above passage is asking us to do what seems impossible.
Yes, it is really impossible if we do it in our strength. The above passage says we can do it because God has first forgiven us (though we have hurt Him over and over again too). Because of Christ, we can forgive, we can do the impossible just like what the poem, Forgiveness, by Brenda Terrell says.
I do feel hurt and very sad each time I think of the past and present hurts. Yet when I think of Jesus, forgiveness is the word that rings in my heart. Forgive just as I have been forgiven. I can't forgive in my own strength, I have to rely on God's strength to do it.
Dear Lord,
Thank You for forgiving me. Thank You for giving me strength to forgive too. Teach me to release all past and future hurts to You. Teach me to forgive and bless those who have hurt me, betrayed me, and made me miserable.
I raise my hands now to give You all of them. Please take over and do what is necessary that Your name may be praised.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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