Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bee's 6th Month of Devotion

Little did I realise that I have already done 6 months of devotion here with Tommy. It's interesting to note that though we both read the same passages, yet God speaks to us differently concerning our personal life many times. But there are times that we do hear the same message from God though. :)

Due to my busyness at work last week, I did my devotion very late at night, at a time when my brain almost shut off. Thank God that this devotional habit has been formed for some time, so even though I was tired, I could still spend some time to let God speak to me or at least pray.

The Apostle Paul said we need to do goldly exercise (1 Timothy 4:7-8). Devotional time is one of them. Thank God for His enabling power to keep this time with Him.

Thanks, Tommy, for doing this spiritual exercise with me. Let's keep going. Cheers!

... the thoughts of Bee


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Closure of Time Alone

After much consideration, I have decided not to post my devotion here. Tommy has reassured me over and over again that he will never 'kick' me out of his blog at While My Life A Mist. So I guess it's pointless to duplicate my devotional thoughts which actually took up extra time from me.

Friends are still welcome to join us there to share your own devotional thoughts. Thank you Richard and G for sharing your thoughts with me. I hope both of you will continue to share over there.

God bless you.