Monday, June 25, 2007

Free Bible Study Softwares

I have been doing my devotions through the online Our Daily Bread since 26 Oct 05. It served me very well as it is convenient for me to blog my thoughts and do cross referencing. Thank God for this ministry.

However, the occasional inability to access Our Daily Bread or no Internet connection during my long holidays (therefore have to miss my devotions), caused me to think of alternatives to doing my devotion offline. Of course you may say I can just read my bible. True, but I like to take notes of my reading and do cross referencing while I read. So doing it on my PC is still a better way for me.

Through my Internet search, I found a very useful bible study and devotional software, Bible Explorer. Not only it is a free download, where I can do my bible study and devotion offline, but it also has many wonderful features I like, e.g.
  • commentaries, complete
  • cross references, automated when clicked
  • automatic bible links, when you type the scripture references
  • notepad, for taking notes
  • devotional passages, morning and evening
  • calender, for automated personal bible reading schedule,
  • Christian forum, discussions
  • prayer requests and testimonies
  • many more

Other useful free bible study software downloads I found are the e-sword and the Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible. With these, I need not depend on the Internet connection to do my bible studies or devotions anymore. Thank God for these wonderful softwares! :)

I have been using the above tools and found them to be very good. I highly recommend you to use them, especially the Bible Explorer, if you like to be disciplined in studying the word of God systematically at your desired scheduled pace.

I may publish my bible study notes and devotional thoughts one day when the time is right.


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