14 The LORD upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.
16 You open your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways
and loving toward all he has made.
18 The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.
20 The LORD watches over all who love him,
but all the wicked he will destroy.
21 My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD.
Let every creature praise his holy name
for ever and ever.
Bee's Thoughts:
A sudden sadness flooded my soul tonight... I felt emotionally trapped... I wanted to cry yet I refused to. But when I read the above Psalms, I just released my tears. It's like God telling me "My child, go ahead and cry, don't hold your emotion, let it go..." I could see v14 comes alive, seeing God's hand upholding me when I fell down.
Last Sunday, I made a prayer during the church service. I surrendered my desires to God, surrendered what I shouldn't have to Him and ask Him purify my heart. He heard my prayers and fulfilled my desires (v18, 19)... He really removed them. It's painful yet I felt relieved too, no more blockage between me and God.
Dear Lord,
Thank You for answering my prayers. Thank You for upholding me in time of heartaches, in time of making difficult decision, in time of having to give up what I desire that is not in Your will. Thank You for giving me my desires that conform to Your will. Thank You for wiping away my tears.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.